- Inzerce -

Mixtape – Strotter

With all these artists I did have had the possibility to play with – at least once and sometimes since fifteen years. Our collaborations always sound different from their work – which is a good sign for their qualities.

The Mix starts with Everest. In several occasions we played together and with Mich I play sometimes as “Edwin und Hund”. The second Part is from the formerly DJ of Dälek with his orchestral turntable-style. The next three pieces are from my three “Herpes ö DeLuxe” partners as “OP Rechts” (Mike), “Vision Torn Apart” (Sürü) and “Schrödingers’ Cat” (Roger). After my ongoing partners there is a track by Stephan Thut with whom I  started my musically career in the late 80ies in the group “Veitstanz”. He turns out to be great cellist and contemporary composer. The following track is from singer Maja Ratkje, with her I have had the honour to play at the BadBonn Kilbi. Funny enough we met the first time half an hour before the gig. After her “WAL” appears. Where Joke Lanz aka Sudden Infant is a part of, with him a played a few sets within the last fifteen years and hopefully soon again. The Last track is from “RLW” who was the first “foreign” artist who asked me to do a remix for him.


  • Everest Hüttenkoller

  • Still A Dream of You Were Alive

  • OP Rechts passiv – negativ

  • Vision Torn Apart Mind Raid

  • Schrödingers’ Cat Quiet Again

  • Stephan Thut 1

  • Maja Ratkie Intro

  • WAL Papua Legbua

  • RLW I.K.K (Excerpt)

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